Description: U.S. Major Highways represents the major highways of the United States. These include interstates, U.S. highways, state highways, and major roads. This dataset is a subset of the U.S. Detailed Streets dataset. It contains all Class 1 and 2 road segments plus any other road segments necessary to provide network connectivity.
Description: U.S. Major Highways represents the major highways of the United States. These include interstates, U.S. highways, state highways, and major roads. This dataset is a subset of the U.S. Detailed Streets dataset. It contains all Class 1 and 2 road segments plus any other road segments necessary to provide network connectivity.
Description: U.S. Major Highways represents the major highways of the United States. These include interstates, U.S. highways, state highways, and major roads. This dataset is a subset of the U.S. Detailed Streets dataset. It contains all Class 1 and 2 road segments plus any other road segments necessary to provide network connectivity.
Color: [115, 38, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: This files represents the transportation sectors used by the City of Baltimore's Department of Transportation. The contact information provided with this feature class is for each sectors Transportation Liaison. The liaison's are housed in the Department of Transportations Planning Division.
Copyright Text: Contact MOIT Enterprise Geographic Information Services for access constraints. 443-741-3213
Description: This layer contains the political boundaries for all counties and the District of Columbia for the state of Maryland. It also contains general demographic data summarized at the county level. The geometries of this feature class have also been updated to provide a higher level of spatial accuracy.
Copyright Text: Contact MOIT Enterprise Geographic Information Services for access constraints. 443-741-3213